Town of North Hempstead Veteran Discount Program

To enroll your business in the Nassau Veteran Discount Program, please DOWNLOAD and complete and return this form.
Please be sure to include the discount specifications, business owner’s name and authorizing signature. Participating businesses will be contacted for confirmation of this information before the discount information is printed. Businesses have the right to withdraw from this program at any time. Please call the Town Supervisor’s Office at (516) 869-6311 with any questions. Thank you for your contribution to the community.
By submitting this form, the business owner agrees that the business will provide the discount noted below to any veteran who presents the business owner with a valid veteran identification card issued by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or by the Nassau County Clerk.
A Message From Supervisor Bosworth

Recently, with the full support of the Town Board, I re-established the Town’s Veterans’ Advisory Committee (VAC) to ensure that veterans in the Town have access to the benefits and services they so rightly deserve. One of the ideas developed by the committee was to create a program connecting veterans and local businesses by providing a discount on purchases made in-store.
This new initiative, that the Town of North Hempstead is undertaking, would show our grateful appreciation to the veterans who live and do business in the Town. Retail shops would be able to sign up to provide a discount on any purchase made by simply showing their Veterans’ ID card at the time of purchase.
This is a great opportunity for you to show your appreciation for our deserving service members who have already given so much to our community and our country.
All stores that sign up for this discount will be given a special decal to proudly display on their store window, their business promoted on the Town of North Hempstead’s website and also have their business name added to our already existing database of stores that provide discounts to veterans.
If you have any questions you can contact 311 or 516-869-6311 for more information or for an application.
Judi Bosworth – Town Supervisor