The new Manhasset Chamber of Commerce Board was installed on Wednesday, Jan.22 2020 at Plandome Country Club. The event was a sellout and the largest crowd we have had in years. More than 100 people were in attendance for this special event which included the Honorable Judi Bosworth, superintendent of the Town of North Hempstead and Councilwoman Veronica Lurvey, both who served as guest speakers.
The newly installed 2020 Manhasset Chamber of Commerce Board is pictured above. Standing: Secretary William Hannan, Nancy Morris, Vice President Matthew Donno, Dawn Tennenbaum, C.J. Coleman, Harroun Hassouni, Former Co-president T.J.Costello, TrMaeasurer Lenny Southiseng, Diane Harragan, Seated Councilwoman Mariann Dalimonte, Copresident Elizabeth Johnson, TONH Supervisor Judi Bosworth, Copresident Stephanie Solomon and Councilwoman Veronica Lurvey. (Photo courtesy of the Town of North Hempstead) Missing from photo is John O’Neill, Jason Villano, Rob Donno.
In addition, the Manhasset Chamber had a special guest speaker John McCann of 1-800-Flowers who spoke of the building of the business and his charitable works with providing jobs to autistic community through a special program he created giving this underserved group a chance to be useful, empowered to contribute to society.